I have a confession to make.
There was no one around, and all the shutters were drawn.
He was there, all alone and miserable.
Stuck perpetually to a cruel chain but 3 feet long, he lived over a drain with the space of a 2ft by 2ft built in garbage disposal area for shade and shelter.
He's left alone, chained up, with no water or food during public holidays and days where the shop closes.
His life, stuck to the 3ft chain, was to be a subject of amusement to the workers of that car repair joint.
I took pity on him.
So, that fateful public holiday, when all the shutters were drawn, I drove up to him, got out of my car. Seeing me approach, he sat up straight, looking at me with trusting eyes. I took one last glance around, reached for his chain and released him.
The dog isn't mine.
But nothing should live a life like that.