Saturday, November 27, 2010

Just mumbling....

It's been an age since I've written anything worth putting your hands Nigella-esque-ishly into.

And today, I feel like it.

So write I shall. For a bit. To say... a little of this and a little of that.

Buttercup's getting better. For those in the know, she's been sufferring from a very very bad case of sarcoptic mange. I'm trying everything, from medically sound injections and treatments to earth clinic certified borax baths and energized water and bracelets... and now, she's FINALLY growing some fur on her back, tuft by tuft, slowly but surely. Thank heavens!

For brekkie, had my ultimate favourite weekend brekkie of puri and potato dhall with coconut chutney with pasupal teh - sini vena besar :D. It was a weekend ritual for me and my beloved father, a ritual which I've resolutely* carried on since his passing more than a year ago. Resolutely, cause I really REALLY hate eating alone! I miss you so much Pappy!

But company's back. Sis is home. Finally! So no more dragging my mom out to weekend brekkies (Mummy is endearing in many MANY wonderful ways, but suffice to say :-!).

Oh! My past ran into me a couple of weeks back. And it was a pleasant run in. Bumped into someone I practically watched growing up, and found out certain somethings which left me tickled pink and flooded with a warm sense of glee... at what could have been, if not for HIS incredible shyness coupled with MY incredible blurness. (For who in their right mind would look at me then? Seriously, you guys should see the photos, and NO, none will be posted here).

But, the past shall remain in its rightful place, in the past, and shall serve to put a smile on this face when I choose to reminisce. We had a GREAT, GREAT time laughing about it :D

And...... No, I have NOT booked my car. Apparently, it's not a very wise thing to do so close to the end of the year. Something about losing a year in terms of registration and depreciation....... lost me at "Just wait till Jan 2011". So I will. Wait. Unless Mr Toyota comes up with some fantastic deal.... then I'll get Nugget sooner than later.

(I've chosen to call my car Nugget) <-- since we're being random today.

And one last thing.... ice blended dry ginger ale with a splash of dark rum is FABULOUS! I love my new blender....

And....(ok so maybe the cocktail thing wasn't the last thing...) Jesus kitchen is in the final stages of planning... YEAYY!!!! Am hoping to get it done by Dec 2010 :D

After that goes up, I guess everyone's welcome :D

Till then, see you guys on LLABBB! :D


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chocolate Blueberry.....

Baked this morning.

Chocolate Blueberry Cake.

Which received a very uninspiring "Ok-lah".


And cause it's got chocolate in it, I can't even give any of it to Prince or Cup-Cup.

Cheesecake next time.