Contrary to one person's belief, my blog has not died.
I've just been busy, then lazy, then preoccupied, then lazy some more and then finally, finally got down to syncing my handphone pictures to this computer... it's been a while.
So, here's a picture update on what's been happenning.... since you know, my pics are kinda grainy and not rotated properly... but hey, at least the blog's alive :D
In no particular order ....
Ok. dunno what happened, but if you see a picture of a cake with purple rosettes on it, it's the cake I baked for my brother (#2) who FINALLY FINALLY got registered. It's his "You're FINALLY married, legally too! cake". Red Velvet with Vanilla Buttercream (cause cream cheese doesn't hold up that well in our weather, and this cake had to travel a bit).
And there are some wedding cupcakes too.... for firstly, my sister in law's mother insisted on a wedding dinner, which, when MY mum got wind of (my brother HAD to invite her to this one) had a lightbulb moment and *TING!* in turn, she TOO insisted on a wedding dinner, so we ended up having 2.
For my brother's luncheon (for it was so last minute, all the dinner slots were taken - ok, it may not ALL have been taken, but since he left it to me, my mum and my sis to plan this, I decided we'd try ONE restaurant (cause I liked the food there) and THEY were fully booked for dinner, hence the Sunday wedding luncheon.
And for the lunch, I made these babies... 113 of them, in 4 different flavours. Luck of the draw, even I couldnt tell which was which.... a hotch potch of Rum & Raisin cupcakes, Orange Poppyseed, Guinness Chocolate and Lemon Lavender.
(ok will try to post pics here.... they may of course pop up at any random spot on this post, but help me out here and pretend I posted them directly below this sentence k?)
(ok, am thinking they got plonked right at the beginning of the post, but like I said... help me out here.... )
Besides baking, other things happened too... but that's another conversation, for another time.
Till then, live happy everyone!