Tuesday, January 26, 2010

He's four....

He’s four. And he was having a tummy ache.

Complaining to his mummy, he asked why his tummy ached so.

His mummy replied that it happens because it’s his body’s way of communicating.

His tummy makes a phone call to his brain, and his brain will tell him to ask mummy for some medicine.

Placated, the little one took his medicine and settled down.

An hour later, when he felt better, he looked at his mummy square in the face and asked “So what’s my brain’s phone number?”

He’s four. Stunners like that can only come from someone who’s four.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Close call....

Thank goodness for Phi.

I was driving. Phi sat in the front passager seat, CP behind us.

We came to a junction. To my right, waiting to cross the road, a mother in BRIGHT RED was with her two little girls, holding on to their hands in each of her own.

The mother saw me, and stopped.

I stopped, acknowledged her, and looked to the the left to check for oncoming traffic.

The road was clear.

I started to move.

"JOYCE! JOYCE! JOYCE! Stop!!!!!!!"

I saw nothing. Only Phi's cries asking me to stop registered. Unquestioningly I stopped. And thank goodness I did.

One of the little girls had let go of her mother's hand, and had started to cross the road, barely inches from my bonnet. She was so tiny, I did NOT see her.

If Phi had not called out, I would have run her over for sure.

And that thought still shakes me up.

Thank goodness for Phi.
