Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Close call....

Thank goodness for Phi.

I was driving. Phi sat in the front passager seat, CP behind us.

We came to a junction. To my right, waiting to cross the road, a mother in BRIGHT RED was with her two little girls, holding on to their hands in each of her own.

The mother saw me, and stopped.

I stopped, acknowledged her, and looked to the the left to check for oncoming traffic.

The road was clear.

I started to move.

"JOYCE! JOYCE! JOYCE! Stop!!!!!!!"

I saw nothing. Only Phi's cries asking me to stop registered. Unquestioningly I stopped. And thank goodness I did.

One of the little girls had let go of her mother's hand, and had started to cross the road, barely inches from my bonnet. She was so tiny, I did NOT see her.

If Phi had not called out, I would have run her over for sure.

And that thought still shakes me up.

Thank goodness for Phi.



Angie said...

Goodness!! Thankfully Phi saw her!! I am sure u get shivers thinking about it.

Adrian Tan said...

Thank goodness. Hmmm... Book, ever thought that if it wasn't you at the wheel - if it was some hot headed reckless dude that likes to floor the accelerator? Oh yes, thank goodness it was Booker that's driving and Phi that's looking.