You know when you begin a project that you thought was brilliant, had such hopes for it, thinking it'll be interesting and fun?
Well, I started one.
Thinking it'll be interesting.
Thinking it'll be fun.
2 weeks into the "Project", I sit, blankly staring at the space in front of me, listening to my own inner voice silently screaming in my ears "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!????!!!!??!!!"
It's been some time since I did this.
Give me grace, give me wisdom (although a little of this at the time of signing up for this Project would have been good - but let's look at glass half full here)...
God help me.
what happened?? your masters? hang in there... you'll get through it.
Just that... I miss baking!
And (can you believe it...) GOING TO THE GYM!!!!!!!!!!
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