Friday, April 10, 2009

Search for Buttercup.... the wait.

I want a pug. I’ve always wanted a pug. And I want to name my pug Buttercup.

I’ve been saying this, very annoyingly, like a broken record for MONTHS, if not years now. But have I done anything about it? Nooooooooot reaaaaaaaaally…

Until recently. I decided that I really, truly want a pug.

I scoured the net, I called a few breeders. Prices varied from RM800 – RM1600 per puppy.


But hey, I’ve always wanted a pug! But then I thought, heck, if I’m gonna pay good hard earned money, I want a BLACK pug!

And they are rare.

All the breeders said “Sorry miss, they are very rare in Malaysia”. So I did what I do best.

I procrastinated. Days turned into weeks, and still no pug.

Until 3 days ago.

Mucking through I saw a pug for adoption. She was recently rescued from the Selayang pound and had just undergone surgery to remove stone crystal build up in her bladder. She was 4 years old, had been abandoned, cut open and sewn up again and from the 2 kinda murky photos posted up, she was heart wrenchingly ADORABLE!!!!.

I checked the comments, someone had requested to adopt her before me.

My heart sank but I put in my request anyways. You never know right?

Then I call her fosterer, only to be told that another lady had called much earlier and was viewing the pug on Friday, sorry, we have other dogs for adoption if you’re interested.

“No, thank you” I reply.

And head hung low, I go about my day.

2 hours later, another fosterer calls me. Turns out the pug’s treatment, surgery and care was given in a veterinarian’s clinic in Klang, a stone’s throw from where I live! So solely because I lived in Klang, my request trumped Ms Sunway's who called earlier. It made more sense to let me adopt the pug (who needed constant care because of her surgery) since I’m closer to the vet, and the fosterer (who lived 5 mins away from me) could help with her care.

WHOOOOOOOPIEEEEE!!!!!! The pug’s MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“She’s old.
She’s been abandoned.
She’s had surgery.
She needs constant care.
She’s ONLY to be kept indoors.
She needs expensive prescription dog food.
She needs regular eye drops.
She needs constant companionship.
She needs loving.”

But I wasn’t listening anymore. She’s MINE! Nevermind that she’s not a black pug! That adorable little face on that compact little body is MINE! MINE! MINE! To love, to pamper, to spoil! I can’t wait!

But wait I must.

She’s only coming to Klang from Bkt Jalil tomorrow (Saturday).

Till then, I’m a bag of jumping beans… I’m excited beyond words.

My parents have been absolute champions about this. My dad’s going to spoil her rotten, that I can guarantee, and my mom’s bustling about the house, creating a cosy little corner for the little one.

We’re waiting for you Buttercup!


Adrian Tan said...

Way to go, Booker! But please, promise to post photos here of Buttercup! PLEASE!

wooncc said...

pic or it aint true.... btw, i also got a pup, damn i hate it, my bro suddenly throw a pup here

Mervin Lee said...

Awww... that's so nice.. Book's finally gonna have her buttercup... I hope she's all rich black creamy and oozing with love and TLC....

Awwwwwww :)

pj in nocal said...

congratulations to you and buttercup. can't wait to see her :-)

Swee said...

Booker... Pictures... lot of pictures!