Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yet another wet, wet Wednesday...

It's yet another wet Wednesday.
And I'm in the office. Typing away, looking very much like the busy and occupied worker.
But in reality, I'm thinking of what I'd rather be doing right this instant, as I look out at the grey landscape outside my window, splockled with raindrops...
1. Sleep.
Curtains drawn, curled up in bed, reading light on, while I finish the last few delicious chapters of my all-time favourite book "The Egg & I";
2. Eat.
If calories didn't matter, I'd be having scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, creme brulee washed down with some cheese, crackers and white wine.
3. Bake.
Days like these my head's filled with recipes! The latest one that's been zinging in there's a big bad dark chocolate cake with bananas and hokey pokey honeycomb drowned in caramel sauce....
4. Draw.
It's been a while. But a friend showed me his debut collection of pastels and I must say, I am inspired.
5. Yoga.
There's just something about the soothing music they play and it's just you and your body. No machines, no gadgets. Over the rain, the traffic's silenced and everything's very zen..... (okay, it helps that the instructor's so cute it's almost illegal!).
But it's a couple of hours yet till my time becomes my own. For now, I'll just sit back, sip on green tea and dream a little.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Holiday dresses

After the month that was May, I need a holiday.

Nut, if you're reading this..... I NEED A HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok then, back to normal stuff.

Just spent a bomb (think Hiroshima) on clothes. From France. Which got shipped to UK, and will be coming home to me next week! Yeayyy!

Dresses that are made for women with boobs! Holiday-y summer-y ones! Yeayyy! And I got pants too! Which are long enough!!! And... IN MY SIZE!!!!!! *twirly dance of joy*.

Seriously, I love Malaysia and everything, but this country makes and sells women's clothes for tiny petite little things. Anything "free size" would most definitely, 100% guaranteed not fit, and those "proudly Malaysian" labels... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I don't even bother.

To be honest, the only thing that kinda fits are stuff made for (sadly) plus sized <-- no problems with that cause some of these pieces are rather pretty, but I'm curvy (aka fat - I'm not delusional... let's call a spade a spade) all around, and not just at my tummy or butt, and these plus sized clothes hang at the wrong places on me.
And for those of you who are gym buffs, (who are thinking I really shouldn't be whining but sweating my butt off on them machines) honey, I'm on the wrong side of 30, and ALL dreams of losing weight and looking like Angelina Jolie has flown out the window, died a thousand deaths and been buried.
I've come to accept that I look the way I do.
I will never be skinny, svelte or waif-like, no matter HOW many laps I swim, or how much I try getting into that (*&%#$&#^$) yoga position.
I am curvy. I am wobbly.
And I'll NEVER be able to wear skinny jeans.
But you know what? I actually LIKE me this way!!!!!
Quite a lot :D
Giant feet and all (but that's another blog, for another boring Wednesday).
Ok... Nut, the holiday, and yes, it is for the sole purpose of me having reason to wear them pretty dresses!
What better reason to go for a holiday rite?