Monday, November 24, 2008

Miracle froth...

At the risk of sounding like an auntie…. I’m gonna blog about this.

To remove tough stains on whites (I haven’t tried this on coloured clothes):-

Directly onto the stain, splash some bleach and then some Vanish detergent.

The mixture will turn into a miracle milky froth. Leave the froth on stain for a few minutes, and then rub/scrub gently.

Stain WILL go away.

Even old stubborn ones.

My whites, are white again!!!

Plus, you get super smooth hands after.

(Ignore the redness, and/or stinging sensation…. Acid peel – schmacid schpeel, this works!!!)



savante said...

Our very own Martha! :)

Medie007 said...

and i have 2 shirts, one white in red stripes, and another white in faint blue stripes, blardy stained with God knows what in the pile of washing machine clothes. tried vanish, tried bleach, even clorox... and my 2 favourite G2k shirts is not tucked away in my closet. *sobs*

Elliot T. McBeal said...

Obviously you can't douse bleach on your colours!