Friday, November 20, 2009

"Tai-Tai Afternoon"

After a few hectic weeks in the office, there was a sudden lull earlier in the week.

So I booked a facial and took off from the office slightly before the bell rang.

In hushed soothing voices and dimmed candle lit ambiance, relaxing music trinkling in the background, they soaked my feet, wrapped me in sarongs, had spa infused relaxing steam waftinto my face, massaged, cleansed, pricked and poked and squeezed and nipped me and finally plonked very soothing face mask on me *i hope i snored not*, then, they woke me up, i was de-saronged, lavender and herb infused steam in my face again, and they were done with me!

I expected to see my face splockled with a thousand little red mementos from all that pricking, but to my great relief.... i looked like... well ... me :D *phew*

So I'm now white, black, red, green or whatever head free, and feeling very tai-tai. Especially since after that 2 hours of facial gymnastics, I walked 3 steps into my gentle yoga class, where I stretched and twisted the rest of me, again to soothing music trinkling in the back ground, soft lights illuminating the studio....

Ahhhhh..... I could get used to this....



Angie said...

Sounds sooo nice...I think I want a facial next weekend too!

Adrian Tan said...

Facial... yoga... sounds like *wear sunglasses* someone's getting hitched. :P

Booker said...

Wrong buck... sounds like *wear sunglasses* someone's gotten ugly! :p