They say there's a first time for everything.
It all started with me purchasing my first copy of Motor Trader earlier this week, which got that heaving chest of his bursting with pride. That Nut can be quite persuasive.
And then, before I could sink my teeth into that magazine, he calls, sounding very excited.
Honda Civic. 2.0. Mint Condition. Cheap.
And it was from a friend. His father's car. Sounded good. Reluctantly I agreed to see the car over the weekend.
But then he calls again. This time frantic. 6 people with ready and willing offers are lined up this weekend. To get my grubby hands on this sexy piece of steel, I've gotta be quick. Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
So trepidatiously, I went for my first car-see and met up with said friend and father of said friend. As a source of superior technical car knowledge and cashmere comfort, the Nut came too (thank you!).
We chit and we chatted. If I was nervous at all before, I wasn't anymore. Father and son couldn't have been lovelier. We laughed through light hearted car banter and I tried, I really, REALLY tried not to sound dumb about car thinggies.
We test drove, and everything went well. Car was lovely.
And then it was time to talk numbers. As a first time buyer, I guess anything they ask for is automatically, too high.
But they were SUCH NICE PEOPLE I didn't want to insult them by making an offer too low. (Almost made an unreasonable offer just so I could be friends with said father and son) but the Nut checked me on that (apparently, that's NOT how you buy 2nd hand cars).
So with a pained expression on my face (it was a look of half constipation and half toothache), I, as politely as I could deferred, and then earlier today, declined.
The car was beautiful. All civics are.
It drove beautifully. In pale blue too. So pretty!
But I guess I chickened out of this one.
So I didn't get the car. But there you have it. My first time! And thank goodness the sellers were lovely people, and as always, thank goodness that comforting and supporting heaving chest was there. Thanks again Nut :D
Open season has just been declared. Let the hunt begin!